Linnell reprises his role as the voice of the Poopsmith in Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 17.2.The song features Strong Bad and Limozeen-style vocals and guitars, and has a Powered by The Cheat music video. They collaborated on a new song with the Brothers Chaps called Crystal Fortress.

It was later released on They Might Be Giants' 2011 B-sides compilation Album Raises New and Troubling Questions. They performed intro song 200 Sbemails for email thunder, with Linnell as the voice of The Poopsmith.The Johns and Marty jam with Homestar Runner in the Puppet Jam series.Linnell's vocals for the song appeared on the different town DVD commentary. They composed and performed the music for the Strong Bad Email different town.They Might Be Giants is an alternative rock band, comprising of John Flansburgh on guitar, and John Linnell on accordion and keys, that has collaborated with The Brothers Chaps on several occasions. We did a bunch of things with them- we did a jam session with the Homestar puppet, and they did this video for "Experimental Film"- and it's kind of a mutual admiration society.

And I guess Linnell kind of reached out to them and said, "You know, if there's anything you want us to do, if you have any musical needs for your site or whatever, we'd be certainly happy to help you guys out," and they took us up on that offer. They were like, "Hey look, they're wearing your shirt, you guys," and so knew that we were fans. I was at an in-store thing wearing this shirt and a fan had taken a photograph of me signing their book or whatever, and the photograph of me showed up in some blog, and somebody made them aware of it. A photograph was taken of me wearing a Homsar shirt, which is one of the more obscure characters in Homestar. From a 2004 interview in the Tucson Weekly : JOHN FLANSBURGH: It was very circuitous.